
Employer Nomination Scheme Subclass 186 (ENS)


Direct Entry stream

This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by an employer, live and work in Australia permanently.


Labour agreement

The Labour Agreement stream, who currently work, or, for an employer who is party to a labour agreement.


Temporary Residence stream

This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia permanently.

Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS)

Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visas, subclass 186 visas, are permanent residency visas for highly skilled workers. To be eligible for a subclass 186 visa, a skilled individual professional must be nominated by an Australian employer.

The subclass 186 visa has two streams, the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) Stream and the Direct Entry (DE) Stream. Each stream has different T&Cs and criteria.

To apply in the stream, you must be the holder of a visa subclass 457, a 482 visa, or a bridging visa granted in association with one of these subclasses.

To apply in the Direct Entry stream, you may be in or outside of Australia.

Student Visa

186 Visa Eligibility Requirements

Graduation in Australia

The general requirements are:

  • Nominated By an Australian Employer and This Nomination Has Been Approved Within Six Months Before You Apply
  • He/she should be under the age of 45 At the Time of Application
  • Must Have Required Skills and Qualifications for The Position You Have Been Selected For – Including Holding (Or Being Eligible For) Any Mandatory Registration, Licence, Or Professional Membership
  • Must have English Language proficiency
  • Should Meet Health and Character Requirements

There are three streams of eligibility for the 186 Visa:

  • Already hold a 457 or TSS Visa? You may be eligible via the Temporary Residence Transition stream (and possibly also the Direct Entry stream).
  • Don’t currently hold a 457 or TSS Visa? You may be eligible via the Direct Entry stream
  • Currently in Australia under a Labour Agreement? You may be eligible via the Labour Agreement stream.

There are three possible application pathways for an ENS visa:

Direct Entry stream


This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by an employer, live and work in Australia permanently.

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ you must be nominated by an Australian employer
  • your occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations.
  • you must have at least Competent English


From AUD4,640.00

Processing Time Direct Entry stream


Number of Applications 25% of applications 50% of applications 75% of applications 90% of applications

Direct Entry stream

3 Months  9 Months 11 Months  12 Months

Labour agreement stream

This visa lets skilled workers who are nominated by their employers live and work in Australia permanently. The Labour Agreement stream might be for you if you currently work, or will work, for an employer who is a party to a labour agreement.




From AUD4,640.00

Processing Time Direct Entry stream


Number of Applications 25% of applications 50% of applications 75% of applications 90% of applications

Labour Agreement Stream

37 Days  6 Months 12 Months  13 Months

Temporary Residence Transition stream

This visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by their employer, live and work in Australia permanently.

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You must hold a 457, TSS or related bridging visa A, B or C
  • Usually, you must have worked for your employer full-time for at least three years
  • You must be nominated by your employer

Processing Time Temporary Residence Transition


Number of Applications 25% of applications 50% of applications 75% of applications 90% of applications

Temporary Residence Transition stream

4 Months  9 Months 11 Months  12 Months


Disclaimer: ‘Rapid Education and visa consultant’ is an independent consulting firm which are not linked in anyway with the Australian ‘Department of Home Affairs’ (DOHA). Info on this website does not constitute personal migration advice. For a tailored migration advice based on your personal conditions, feel free to contact us on 61-3-96630944 our registered Migration agent.

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