
Subclass 802 Visa – Child Visa (Onshore)


Subclass 870

This visa issued to the parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents, allowing them to live in Australia for a maximum of ten years.

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Subclass 884

The subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent Temporary visa is granted for two years and, in order to remain in Australia permanently

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Subclass 173

This visa lets the parent of a Australian citizen, and permanent resident or  eligible New Zealand citizen live in Australia for 2 years.

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Child Visa Subclass 802

The subclass 802 Visa, who wish to sponsor their child to live in Australia permanently. The eligible parent can apply for this visa category on behalf of their child provided the child is below 18.

Subclass 802 is an onshore visa, and subclass 101 is the offshore child visa alternate. Both visa categories are designed for the applicants to live in Australia permanently.

Subclass 802 visa allows its holders to:

  • You can Stay and work in Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia for five years.
  • Apply for citizenship (must check eligibility).
  • Sponsor members of the family unit to come to the country.

Enroll in the health care scheme of the Government.

Student Visa

Subclass 802 visa allows its holders to:

Graduation in Australia
  • You can Stay and work in Australia
  • Travel to and from Australia for five years.
  • Apply for citizenship (must check eligibility).
  • Sponsor members of the family unit to come to the country.
  • Enroll in the health care scheme of the Government.

Want your child to be able to stay in Australia? Find out if they’re eligible for a
Child visa – book your free consultation today.

What Are the Requirements for Child Onshore Visa 802?

To be eligible for a subclass 802 visa, the applicant must meet the Department’s required criteria.

  • The candidate (child) must be dependent on a parent, who is either a:
    • Australian Citizen
    • Australian Permanent Visa Holder
    • New Zealand Citizen (Eligible)
  • The child could be the:
    • Biological child
    • Adopted child (adoption must be completed before the child turns 18)
    • Stepchild
  • The candidate must be sponsored by his parents, parent’s spouse, or de-facto partner.
  • The candidate must be-
    • below 18 years old, or
    • over 18 years and below 25 years and studying full-time, or
    • over 18 years (with a disability)
  • The candidate must not be married, engaged, or have a de-facto partner.
  • The candidate must meet all the health and character requirements of the visa category.
  • The candidate must obtain written consent from everyone who can decide legally where the child should live.
  • The candidate and their sponsor must have paid back all the dues to the Australian Government (if there are any) or have made adequate payment arrangements.
  • The child (above eighteen) must sign a values statement to confirm they will obey the Australian laws and living rules.

Help with your visa!

If you are getting help with your visa, before you pay someone, read information how we can help with your visa application.

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